Trump's protectionist policies threaten to radically unbalance the balance of payments and exchange rates throughout the world, preventing countries from earning the dollars needed...
John Kenneth Galbraith was an intellectual celebrity 50 years ago—and it would be a mistake to ignore him today
January 15, 2021
U.S. President-elect Joe...
by Peter Bofinger
on 23rd March 2020
The measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic not only comprise a unique experiment in health policy. They have...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper...
Despite facing many of the same challenges, Germany’s current macroeconomic policy is substantially different to those of other countries, in part due to the...
The metabolic exchange between nature and society in a mode of production based upon value
By Elmar Altvater *
July 20, 2017
So many accusations have been...
Two dissimilar men with different goals can still have a lot in common, writes Prabhat Patnaik
At first sight no two persons could have...
(August 1955)
From Two Essays on Imperialism, New York 1966.
Note by D.D.P.: In reality Ernest Germain and Ernest Mandel are one person. Germain is one...