Friday, 10 January , 2025


Guerre à la guerre

Le scénario d’une guerre américano-israélienne contre l’Iran, probablement avec l’utilisation d’armes nucléaires, selon la planification des forces armées américaines ( n’est pas un accident,...

London Bridge attack: UK’s military interventions have fuelled terrorism, says Corbyn

The Labour leader will highlight the radicalising effect of the Iraq war in attacks such as the London Bridge stabbings By Toby Helm and Michael...

Au Mali, Salif Keita accuse la France de financer les djihadistes

par Lucie Monier-Reyes, Sébastien Duhamel 16 Novembre 2019 Dans une vidéo postée sur Facebook, Salif Keita accuse la France de financer les groupes djihadistes qui...

ISIS Captives Offer a Convenient Pawn in Turkey’s Syria Chess Game

ISIS is the latest bogeyman in a global terror portfolio that serves a neoconservative agenda in the Middle East, and Turkey has been its...

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the forgotten history of Iraq

29 October 2019 US President Donald Trump announced the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Sunday morning with a bloodlust and brutality never before heard from...

Al-Baghdadi and ISIS : Real or Fake Terrorists?

ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications” By Makia Freeman Global Research, October 29, 2018 The Freedom Articles 5 April 2016 Relevant article first posted on GR...

Middle East: Up to now a triumph of Russia and its...

Putin, Erdogan may discuss Syria operation, situation in Idlib — expert 17 Oct, 2009 MOSCOW, October 17. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart...

Turkey’s attack on Syria stokes fears of mass Isis prison break

Syrian Kurds warn they may not have the resources to breakouts from Isis prisons By Richard Hall Oct. 11, 2019 In the days and weeks leading up...

Dominique de Villepin : “Au fond, Jacques Chirac ressemblait un peu...

Sep. 27, 2019 Dominique de Villepin, ancien Premier ministre de Jacques Chirac, est l'invité de Léa Salamé à 7h50.

We’re Listening to the Wrong Voices on Syria

By Maj. Danny Sjursen Aug 22, 2019 Once upon a time, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard traveled to Syria and met with the strongman President Bashar Assad....