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American Graham Fuller emphasized that the West, including the United States, has now accepted that the Assad government will retain power....
For Iraq's Sunni Arabs, You Can't Go Home Again
By Belkis Wille
Senior Iraq and Qatar Researcher, Middle East and North Africa DivisionPublished in The Hill
Dozens of families accused of having relatives in ISIL have been forcibly displaced to an 'open-air prison' camp.
By Laurene Daycard &Sebastian Castelier
Shahama camp, Iraq...
By Bill Van Auken
One week after Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi proclaimed the “liberation” of Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, the scale of destruction wrought...
By Alastair Crooke
Publishe in
The dramatic arrival of Da’ish (ISIS) on the stage of Iraq has shocked many in the West. Many have been...
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La tension est vive au sud de la Syrie, près des hauteurs du Golan occupé illégalement par Israël depuis 1967. Ciblés par...
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Empêcher l’armée syrienne de se déplacer sur le territoire syrien ? Avec les Etats-Unis, c’est possible. Des troupes US et leurs alliés sont...