According to the Wall Street Journal, Israel stuck a villa housing Shi'ite militias, Iranian forces in attempt to disrupt Iran's land corridor to Mediterranean
By Andrew Korybko
Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani called for regime change against Iran last weekend, and with a new wave of protests hitting the country...
Assad Raises Syrian Flag Over Daraa, the Birthplace of the Uprising Against Him
Some 2,000 rebel fighters are holed up in the opposition-held part of...
The Iranian government has reportedly announced its plans to withdraw more than 350 million dollars from a German bank in a bid to outmaneuver...
Despite Iran’s statements that the country has only been providing military advisory support to Bashar al-Assad’s government, senior Israeli officials have on numerous occasions...
By Daniel Larison
July 2, 2018
The Trump administration wants Russian help in expelling Iranian forces from Syria:
National-security adviser John Bolton said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s...