‘Shocked’ Pentagon acceded to request after Baghdad mortar attack in September that US blamed on Tehran-backed militias, Wall Street Journal says
13 January 2019
Following a...
In Speech, Pompeo Makes Case for Continued US Intervention in Middle East
By Jason Ditz
Posted on January 10, 2019
Some ten years after President Obama’s...
To say it was impulsive, or that the entire military opposes it, would be grossly misreading the situation.
By Mark Perry
December 20, 2018
In 1966, in...
By Tom Luongo
Turkish-US relations are terrible and deteriorating by the day despite bromides to the contrary. Actions speak louder than words. And that has...
US to withdraw forces out of Syria as Trump declares victory over ISIL
The United States has begun withdrawing its forces from Syria, according...
By Alastair Crooke
Nahum Barnea, a leading Israeli commentator, writing in Yedioth Ahronoth in May (in Hebrew), set out, unambiguously, the ‘deal’ behind Trump’s Middle East policy:...