Here is an English translation of a poetic protest by Nobel Prize laureate Günter Grass, against the prospect of the Israeli extermination (“auslöschen”) of the...
By Jacob Heilbrunn
August 11, 2010
"Another question Israeli planners struggle with: how will they know if their attacks have actually destroyed a significant number of...
Netanyahu is getting what he wanted, after all.
By Gareth Porter
Global Research, October 20, 2017
President Donald Trump’s new Iran policy clearly represents a dangerous rejection...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Never since the Cuban Missile Crisis has there been such an unstable situation in the global political system, including the system...
by Farhang Jahanpour
As was expected, President Trump has decertified Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal or, to give it its full name, the Joint...
by Patrick Cockburn
Elite Iraqi security forces have captured the Kurdish government headquarters buildings in the centre of Kirkuk with the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordering the...
By Henry Meyer and Donna Abu-Nasr
The Israelis and Turks, the Egyptians and Jordanians -- they’re all beating a path to the Kremlin in the...
The Nuclear Option: Why Columbus Deserves His Day
by Charles Hurt
9 Oct 2017
Happy Columbus Day!
In this era of Making America Great Again, it is true...