Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Africa was at the centre of Lenin’s work

Originally published: ROAPE (Review of African Political Economy) by Joe Pateman (January 27, 2022 ) Marxism, we are told, is Eurocentric and has lost much of...

Globalization from Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan until...

 by Éric Toussaint Jan 4, 2022 In this study, Éric Toussaint covers the period from the 15th to the 21st century, focusing on the dramatic effects...

Selon l’écrivain Amitav Ghosh, « Le monde se prépare aux changements...

Hervé Kempf et Mathieu Génon (Reporterre) 14 septembre 2021 Pour le grand écrivain indien Amitav Ghosh, le problème posé à l’humanité par la crise écologique est...

Is a Nuclear War in Europe probable?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we explained why we believe that the West's and NATO’s aggressivity towards Russia, in the Ukraine and other...

Why Christopher Hitchens Still Matters

By Ben Burgis December 24, 2021 Christopher Hitchens died 10 years ago this month. Many young leftists remember “Hitch,” if at all, as a militant atheist...

US government boldly scrutinized: Oliver Stone’s new JFK documentary is a...

By Michael McCaffrey* 12 Nov, 2021 Stone’s new documentary, ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass’, isn’t perfect, but it’s vitally important. He goes back into the...

The reality of looted colonial art and restitution

"A high-priority cultural policy": The German Lost Art Foundation is hosting a conference on looted art and the restitution of colonial objects. Dec 05, 2021 "As...

Africa’s lost heritage and Europe’s restitution policies

France is returning artworks acquired in colonial times to Benin. Germany is also open to restitutions. How are other European countries addressing the issue? Nov.9,...

Defying Empire: Cuba’s Contributions to the Fight Against Racism and White...

By Franklin Frederick The white capitalist cannibal has always fed on the world's black peoples. White capitalist imperialist society is profoundly and unmistakably racist. Walter Rodney White...

20 years since 9/11 and the “war on terror”

By Bill Van Auken 10 September 2021 Today marks 20 years since the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001, in which two hijacked planes were flown...