Saïd Bouamama : “Sans la lutte anti-impérialiste, le combat pour l’accueil...
Par Grégoire Lalieu
11 Oct 2018
Les Européens doivent se serrer la ceinture et entendent parler tous les jours de la crise des réfugiés. Résultat, le...
Corbyn: No more interventions abroad, we will recognize the Palestinian state...
No more ‘wars of intervention’ under Labour, Corbyn promises
September 26, 2018
There will be "no more reckless wars of intervention" under a Labour government, Jeremy...
Samir Amin at 80: An Introduction and Tribute
By John Bellamy Foster
Oct 01, 2011
Samir Amin was born in Cairo in 1931, and studied within the French educational system in Egypt (Lycée Français...
Neocolonialism and the «migrant crisis»
The «migrant crisis» is currently diminishing in Europe, but will probably amplify dramatically in the next few years. The gigantic population displacements which are...
L’ indispensable construction d’ une 5eme Internationale des travailleurs et de...
Le système en place depuis une trentaine d’années est caractérisé par l’extrême centralisation du pouvoir dans toutes ses dimensions, locales et internationales, économiques, politiques...
It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and...
World acclaimed Marxist thinker Samir Amin dies
For the last thirty years the world system has undergone an extreme centralization of power in all its...
Imperialists’ Fear and Loathing. . . of Being Colonized | By...
July 30, 2018
For decades and longer, the United States and Europe lectured and encouraged countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia to welcome and...
How Netanyahu’s Father Adopted the View of Arabs as Savages
Benzion Netanyahu, the late father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, looked to historian Joseph Klausner as his intellectual mentor and fully embraced his view...
La CGT, l’Europe et l’Union Sacrée
Par Jean-Pierre Page
Le monde change, la multiplication d’évènements internationaux de première importance montre que le rapport des forces global tend à se modifier, l’initiative...
Political Persecutions in Eastern Europe to prepare War with Russia (and...
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
We have witnessed during the last two years the multiplication of cases of political repressions in various Eastern European countries, like Poland,...