Monday, 24 February , 2025


Robert Mugabe, Ousted Zimbabwean President & Liberation Leader, Dies at 95

September 06, 2019 Zimbabwe’s first post-independence leader, Robert Mugabe, has died at the age of 95. In 1963, he helped found the Zimbabwe African National...

Mugabe, Land, Thatcher, Blair & Imperialism

By Tony Norfield 21 November 2017 So, farewell then, Robert Mugabe, ruler of Zimbabwe for 37 years. As the western media celebrate your demise, and Zimbabwe’s...

Immanuel Wallerstein, Anti-Capitalist Intellectual, Dies at 88

Wallerstein was a renowned critic of capitalism whose work was aimed at fighting for justice and change. 1 September 2019 United States sociologist, economic-historian and world-system...

Brexit: imperialist Britain faces existential crisis

Note We are reproducing here an interesting article on the probable demise of "imperialist Britain" as a result of the Brexit crisis.There is no...

Acte 41 : «Le prolétariat mondial est en train de s’organiser...

Aug.24, 2019 Entretien du 24/8/2019 avec Jimmy Dalleedoo, Gilet jaune et élu CGT Cheminots. Il était invité sur le plateau de RT France à commenter...

Tanker Seizures and the Threat to the Global Economy from Resurgent...

By Craig Murray 27 Jul, 2019 The British seizure of the Iranian tanker off Gibraltar was illegal. There is no doubt of that whatsoever. The Iranian...

L’imam d’al-Aqsa dénonce l’apathie des Arabes face aux crimes israéliens contre...

Le cheikh Muhammad Husain, imam de la sainte mosquée Al-Aqsa, a critiqué le silence maintenu par les gouvernements arabes en ce qui concerne la...

Why it’s important to connect anti-imperialism to climate action

Climate strikes give me hope that the future may be saved. In London, they have to be the largest protests I have ever seen in...

Corbyn calls on government to apologise for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre...

JEREMY CORBYN has written to PM Theresa May on the 100th anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre today to demand the government apologise for the...