Thursday, 23 January , 2025


Guerre à la guerre

Le scénario d’une guerre américano-israélienne contre l’Iran, probablement avec l’utilisation d’armes nucléaires, selon la planification des forces armées américaines ( n’est pas un accident,...

L’eau et les nouvelles puissances coloniales. Un conte de plusieurs villes

Par Franklin Frederick Le 14 novembre, le groupe canadien Wellington Water Watchers a organiséla conférence "AllEyeson Nestlé" dans la ville de Guelph, en Ontario, réunissant...

Joyeux Noël

Christmas Truce of World War I Also read: Joyeux Noël

Nestlé: Multinationals as the New Colonial Powers. A tale of Many...

By Franklin Frederick On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the «All Eyes on Nestlé» conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario,...

Behind Johnson: The most dangerous, pro-war and pro-finance forces of US...

How the right’s radical thinktanks reshaped the Conservative party In the wake of the Brexit vote, ultra free market thinktanks have gained exceptional access to...

Comment les banques centrales enfument le monde

par Valérie Bugault 1 Octobre 2019 Le règne du dollar touche à sa fin… et ce n’est pas une conséquence mais bien le but des...

A Left Labour Gov’t Would Weaken Imperialism, Work for Peace

What it comes down to is that, for the first time, Labour has a leadership which, in addition to being pro-working class and pro-poor,...

United States and Venezuela: A Historical Background

Introduction: US hostility and efforts to overthrow the Venezuelan government forms parts of a long and inglorious history of US intervention in Latin America going...

The origins of the United States of America, the Joker and...

«At its root, capitalism not only meant slavery and white supremacy but also the ethos of the gangster. » (Gerald Horne) By Franklin Frederick The film...

Syria: Exposing Western Radical Collaboration with Imperialism

By Ajamu Baraka Oct. 16, 2019 “Western radicals must take a consistent anti-imperialist position despite the internal contradictions or problems that existwithin a state in the Global South.” Despite...