Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Greek referendum

Greece: Revolt Betrayed

A year ago more than 62% of the Greek people voted in the referendum held on the 5th of July of 2015 to reject the policies imposed on Greece since 2010 by an alliance of world finance and the German government, aided and abetted by other European elites and implemented through European governments, the EU and the IMF.

Let’s defend the Greek people’s NO!

On July 5th, Greek people rejected by an overwhelming majority the ultimatum of the Creditors, who are constantly acting as ruthless colonialists and destroyers of our country. Greek people asked to put an end at the Memorandum’s path of destruction and looting of the country, to put an end at the colonization of Greece launched in May 2010.

Alain Badiou on Tsipras

Alain Badiou, a well known French leftist philosopher gave an interview on on 9.05.2016 where amongst else said about Tsipras: “It's almost a tragic...

Destroy Greece: ΙMF and Europe agree now on the method

ΙMF-EU-Greece: Small crimes among friends Who is with whom and against whom in the final episode of Greek thriller Yannis Kibouropoulos, journalist Another episode of the six-year...

The Delphi Declaration on Greece and Europe – June 2015

European governments, European institutions and the IMF, acting in close alliance with, if not under direct control of, big international banks and other financial institutions, are now exercising a maximum of pressure, including open threats, blackmailing and