By John Vinocur
Germany is considering a break from decades of military non-confrontation.
High ranking officials are contemplating sending a warship through the Taiwan Strait...
Par Olga Montseny
29 Mai 2019
Depuis plusieurs mois s'est mise en place à Berlin une lutte très forte contre la spéculation immobilière et les réaménagements...
Germany’s parliament has passed a motion defining the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement as anti-Semitic. It calls on Berlin to cut funding to...
8 avril par Eric Toussaint
En 2019, la Banque mondiale (BM) et le FMI atteignent l’âge de 75 ans. Ces deux institutions financières internationales (IFI), créées en...
Snub? Theresa May arrives in Berlin for Brexit talks… and Merkel doesn’t come to greet her
9 Apr, 2019
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s arrival in...
26 Mar, 2019
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has decried the EU’s decision to pass highly controversial copyright reform in a move that critics argue clamps...