An interesting opinion poll was conducted between March 29th and April 1st for the Observer, referred to the British referendum whether the UK remains...
Back in 2011 the then President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy, supported by the majority of French political forces, pushed to a "humanitarian"...
Alain Gresh, of Monde Diplomatique explains the reasons behind the French eclipse in the Middle East. Read the article in L' Orient-Le Jour
and also
"Ne nous laissons pas prendre en otage par la Turquie"
Jean-Pierre Chevènement était l'invité du matin de RFI, vendredi 11 mars 2016. Il répondait aux...
(republished from
by Tyler Durden
As we detailed previously, back on September 11, Zero Hedge predicted the events which unfolded in Paris last Friday (and the resulting...