Wednesday, 5 February , 2025


Interview. France: The Labour Reform is the Biggest Counter-Revolution in the...

By Mario Hernández / Source: / The Dawn News Guillermo Almeyra, international columnist of La Jornada (México), analyzes the situation in France regarding the...

French “socialist” government uses emergency powers to impose Labour Law counter-reform

by Jorge Martín On Tuesday, May 10th, French PM Valls was forced to use emergency powers under article 49.3 of the constitution to pass the...

Jacques Baud : « une course où les terroristes auront toujours...

Les éditions du Rocher ont sorti fin avril un livre particulièrement intéressant dans le contexte actuel de l’expansion de l’islamisme et du terrorisme international...

Union Européenne et /ou capitalisme ? Brexit or no brexit ?

Francis Arzalier - Les Communistes français peuvent s’honorer d’avoir dès sa fabrication, en traités successifs après la seconde guerre mondiale, combattu l’Union Européenne supranationale, parce...

French deputies ask for lifting of sanctions to Russia

by Bernard Sherer French parliamentarians have approved a non-binding resolution today asking for the lifting of EU sanctions imposed on Russia, allegedly for its role...

France – End of an Era

Paris 'night communes' springing up all over the city and the country, and across the border in Belgium. "This government, which is supposed to be...

Nuit Debout

MANIFESTE Sais-­tu ce qui se passe là ? Des milliers de personnes se réunissent Place de la République à Paris, et dans toute la France,...

Un lycéen parisien nous écrit: Les Raisins de la colère

Les Raisins de la colère par Jacques Latour A Paris,par un triste matin pluvieux du mois de mars,nombreux ont été les jeunes qui ont rebroussé chemin...

Is the EU collapsing? (The Dutch earthquake)

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Dutch voters spoke again, as they had spoken in June 2005, when they rejected, along with French voters, the proposed European Constitutional...

France is moving!

It is too early to make safe predictions on what will happen in France, the country which, since more than two centuries, is the...