Wednesday, 5 February , 2025


EU referendum: Brexit sparks calls for other EU votes

The UK's vote to leave the EU has sparked demands from far-right parties for referendums in other member states. France's National Front leader Marine Le Pen said the French must now also have the right to choose. Dutch anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders said the Netherlands deserved a "Nexit" vote while Italy's Northern League said: "Now it's our turn

Une majorité de Français souhaite un référendum sur la sortie de...

Une majorité de Français (53 %) souhaite un référendum sur le maintien ou non de la France dans l’Union européenne (UE), à l’instar de celui prévu au Royaume-Uni le 23 juin. C’est l’une des révélations de l’enquête menée début février auprès de 8 000 électeurs dans six pays de l’Union (Allemagne, France, Pologne, Irlande, Espagne et Suède) par l’université d’Edimbourg et le cercle de réflexion allemand D/part.

Beyond Brexit: Favorable Opinion of EU Plunges Everywhere, Especially France

The British are not the only ones with doubts about the European Union. The EU’s image and stature have been on a roller coaster ride in recent years throughout Europe. In a number of nations the portion of the public with a favorable view of the Brussels-based institution fell markedly from 2012 to 2013 as the European economy cratered. It subsequently rebounded in 2014 and 2015. But the EU is again experiencing a sharp dip in public support in a number of its largest member states.

France – Intellectuels et personnalités dénoncent la stratégie du gouvernement

Une centaine d’intellectuels et de personnalités dénoncent la stratégie du gouvernement d’isoler des «groupes organisés» et d’exagérer leurs faits de violence pour décrédibiliser les manifestations contre la loi travail à Rennes et à Paris.

French Government Attacks Democracy

During the last months in France, we are witnessing the continuation of the neoliberal experiment, which started in Greece and is spreading through the whole continent of Europe. President François Hollande and Prime Minister Manuel Valls are determined to impose a regressive labor law that the majority of the French society does not want.

France hit by power cuts, strikes & clashes with police as...

Protesters in France have clashed with police against a divisive labour reform bill that they say is too “pro-business” and makes it easier for companies to fire staff. At least 40 people were injured and 73 arrested on Tuesday as some 75,000 demonstrators amassed in Paris in the latest round of protests against the controversial reforms.

LIVE: Labour reform protesters hold general strike in Paris

LIVE: Labour reform protesters hold general strike in Paris

France: From Republic to Oligarchy

French society and political culture have changed. These changes were accumulating gradually over the decades, but the intellectual and political elite worked hard to pretend that nothing was happening. The left and the right in a touching unity ignored the process unfolding in front of their eyes that began back in 1995. It all started with a strike of public sector workers against the attempts to cancel the "benefits " for those who worked for the state. Suddenly, for the authorities, the press and even for the trade unions, the people, who were not affected by the proposed change, overwhelmingly supported the strikers. Workers in the private sector stood in solidarity with their colleagues, employed by the state. Transportation workers strike led to a massive influx of people into the streets.

«En l’état actuel du texte, la France peut basculer dans la...

Frédéric Sicard, s'inquiète du fonctionnement de la justice en France. «En l'état actuel du texte, la France peut basculer dans la dictature en une semaine»

Movement “Nuit Debout”: Is it just about France’s labor reforms? 

By Elpida Papoutsaki “Nuit Debout” is an ongoing movement in France, aimed among other things at securing the withdrawal of the proposed labor reforms. The first...