Wednesday, 15 January , 2025


De Vichy a l’ Algérie

Nils Andersson : «Des crimes de guerre en Algérie? Il y en a eu» Nils Andersson, né en 1933 à Lausanne d’un père suédois et...

Marine Le Pen: pro-Jewish, pro-Israel, pro-Zionist

Despite Dual Citizenship Comment, Le Pen Still Pro-Israel By David Israel Marine Le Pen has been demonized by the media even worse than Donald Trump, in...

Terrorist hits Britain, He helps French understand why Le Pen is...

Westminster attack: police hunt for clues after four dead in 'sick and depraved' incident Vikram Dodd, Ewen MacAskill, Jamie Grierson and Heather Stewart Thursday 23 March...

The Far Right’s Leftist Mask

The European far right has cynically appropriated left-wing and pro-worker talking points for its own purposes. by Alexandre Afonso & Line Rennwald In the early 1980s,...

Fillon victime d’un putsch médiatique ?

11 Mar 2017 #Présidémentielle 2e Tour : Fillon victime d’un putsch médiatique ? (2/2)   Sommaire François Fillon est présumé innocent La deuxième couche du journal Le Monde ...

Strange Affinities: Netanyahu and the Far Right!

FAR-RIGHT political movements and parties across Europe have exploited popular discontent to gain political power, emboldening some of the most racist, xenophobic and reactionary...

France has to remain France

By Adrian Croft and Marine Pennetier France's ambassador to Japan has pledged not to serve under far-right leader Marine Le Pen if she becomes...

Ten Proposals to Beat the European Union

  This collective text initiated by Eric Toussaint, of the CADTM campaign for the abolition of the debt of the global South has been collectively...

Brexit: Divorce by mutual consent or fight?

by Giullietto Chieza According to Tomas Prouza - state secretary for EU Affairs in Prague - “There is a real danger that British politics, with...

“New Yorker” on the New Cold War

By I.Soft Targets On April 12, 1982, Yuri Andropov, the chairman of the K.G.B., ordered foreign-intelligence operatives to carry out “active measures”—aktivniye meropriyatiya—against the reëlection...