Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Far Right

The Rise of a Genuine Left in Britain, its implications for...

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos   The other day a friend almost told me off when I said I don’t exclude even an election win for Corbyn, but...

London Terror to Complete Brexit Coup d’Etat

By Prof. John McMurtry Within hours of completing an analysis of how the June 8 UK General Election is a fix to lock in a...

Macron, l’illusionniste en marche

Par Danielle RIVA   (…) L’espoir, Vaincu, pleure, et l'Angoisse atroce, despotique, Sur mon crâne incliné plante son drapeau noir. (Charles Baudelaire, extrait de spleen) Comme prévisible, le petit...

The European Left and the Greek Tragedy

by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)   The day Greek workers and employees went on general strike, protesting against a new barrage of so-called “reforms” imposed by the...

The National Front Isn’t Dead

The French left shouldn't rest easy — Marine Le Pen hasn't been vanquished. By Sylvain Laurens   Sixty-six percent to 34 percent. It sounded like a crushing victory...

Lessons From the French Election

By Roger Martelli Macron managed to defeat the far right this time. But to get rid of the National Front for good, the Left will...

Législatives: Jean-Marie Le Pen monte une alliance qui présentera jusqu’à 200...

Tous les candidats de cette alliance se rattacheront administrativement à une structure appelée "Union des patriotes". Dans une déclaration commune faite ce mardi, Jean-Marie...

Front National plans overhaul after defeat but faces internal resistance

Plans to rename and “profoundly transform” the Front National after Marine Le Pen’s defeat by Emmanuel Macron in France’s presidential runoff will meet resistance...

From Capital to the Capitol

Paris, by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos   The cameras are set low. They show him slightly taller than he really is as, alone, to the accompaniment of the...

Jean-Luc Mélenchon: «Pour une majorité parlementaire insoumise aux législatives»

Le dimanche 30 avril 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon était l'invité du 20H de TF1. Il a expliqué que la France insoumise pouvait être majoritaire aux...