Far Right
Israeli PM Set to Attend Inauguration of Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Highlighting Likud...
European and American ethno-nationalists in recent years have combined anti-Semitic rhetoric with fervent support for Israel’s apartheid policies and efforts to fortify its status...
Rome vs. Brussels. Economic policies of the “Radical”-Far Right
Comment on the dispute between the Italian government and the European Commission on Italy's draft budget 2019
by Klaus Draeger*
Dec.9, 2018
On macro-economics the Italian government...
Qui est Etienne Chouard, chantre du référendum d’initiative citoyenne et coqueluche...
Décrié à gauche pour son ouverture à l'extrême droite, cet enseignant en éco-gestion est prisé des "gilets jaunes" grâce à ses travaux sur la réforme des...
The ghost of 1789 looms over France and Europe
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
December 14th, 2018
"No Christmas this year" is written on the placard of a protester in Toulouse, the “ville rose” of Southwest France,...
Jeremy Corbyn at European Socialists Congress: EU Support for Austerity Behind...
7 December 2018
"The far right feeds on fears fueled by falling living standards, damaged communities, insecure work and underfunded public services."
British opposition Labour Party...
Trump and France: A ridiculous President, a notorious liar
Falling for “Les Fake News,” Trump Spreads Lie French Protesters Chant His Name
By Robert Mackey
December 8, 2018
Donald Trump is so vain he really thinks...
Far-right party makes gains in Andalusian elections
December 3, 2018
PRESSURE is mounting on Spain’s Socialist Party Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez after the far-right Vox Party won 12 seats in Sunday’s election...
Towards a pre-revolutionary situation in France
by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
The French crisis seems now to approach what was described in the past as a classical pre-revolutionary situation.
This fact does confirm, once...
Comité Adama/Gilets jaunes : « Si nous voulons changer notre destin,...
Youcef Brakni est l’un des porte-parole du Comité Adama qui vient d’appeler à rejoindre le mouvement des Gilets jaunes le 1er décembre prochain à...
US-Funded Neo-Nazis in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists
Short-sighted U.S. foreign policy that backs jihadists in the Middle East and neo-Nazis in Ukraine is once again blowing back on the United States,...