Wednesday, 12 March , 2025

Far Right

Netanyahu’s dark deal with Europe’s radical right

Netanyahu likes to boast about the foreign relations he has nurtured in Eastern Europe because these ties help him block EU decisions against the...

Netanyahu vs. Soros: The Civil War inside the Empire

Netanyahu advisers hatched anti-Semitic conspiracy against George Soros By Asa Winstanley  19 March 2019 Israeli leaders helped birth today’s most notorious anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. That’s the conclusion...

The Alt-Right Declares War on Trump for Betrayal on Immigration, Opposes...

By Patrick Fleming Mar 23, 2019 This is a major development which has not been widely noted in the media, alternative or mainstream. Over the last two...

Rome allies with China – Salvini against

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China By John Follain and Helene Fouquet March 21, 2019 European allies see a threat to sovereignty, the...

Israel’s Love Affair with Fascism and the Far-Right!

7 Mar, 2019 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s surprise decision to strike an alliance with Israel’s far-right has unnerved many in Israel and abroad. The truth...

The relationship between Israel and Marine Le Pen

Once the FN has been legitimized in France, Israel’s attitude toward it may well become an increasingly marginal consideration. By Manfred Gerstenfeld March 28, 2017 The upcoming...

The Yellow Vests: a leftist movement which does not want to...

Α Revolt struggling to give birth to a Revolution By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 20, 2019 3rd of three articles (first and second). Nation, worker, left and right… all...

Le RN et Marine Le Pen pas si représentatifs des Gilets...

12 Mars 2019 Alors que Marine Le Pen espère surfer sur la vague des Gilets jaunes pour les Européennes, un sondage révèle que si certaines...

‘We Just Want to Preserve Our Identity – Like Israel and...

Less than three months before the elections in France, National Front's Nicolas Bay visits Israel. With the Israeli government boycotting his party, a middleman...

Israel everywhere. From Brazil and Venezuela to Ukraine, from Kashmir to...

Israel is Playing a Big Role in India’s Escalating Conflict with Pakistan by Robert Fisk March 5, 2019 When I heard the first news report,...