Wednesday, 12 March , 2025

Far Right

Four Reasons the European Left Lost

The setbacks for centrist parties in the European elections showed that the EU’s crisis is anything but over. Yet the Left’s lack of strategy...

The (ex-Goldman Sachs) American leader of the European Far Right!

Paris (AFP) Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon hailed election results for the European Parliament on Monday and said the idea of further European Union integration...

Après les européennes, la crise s’épaissit

Les élections sont passées, avec leurs certitudes et leurs surprises. L’extrême droite et LREM en tête, les autres loin derrière. Surtout la gauche. Une gauche...

European elections: Salvini becomes prime minister in all but name after...

Analysis: Increased leverage for de facto leader might jeopardise coalition alliance with Five Star, writes Hannah Roberts In the early hours of this morning, as the...

EU election results show people are ‘fed up with fake democracy’

Anti-establishment forces had major gains in the EU elections because voters are tired of parties refusing to challenge Brussels, analysts told RT, saying the...

Noam Chomsky: We Must Confront the “Ultranationalist, Reactionary” Movements Growing Across...

In April, hundreds of people packed into the Old South Church in Boston to hear the world-renowned dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky speak. He...

As the far-right wins Indian elections, progressive forces vow to resist

The NDA alliance led by far-right party BJP achieved a landslide victory in the historic Indian parliamentary elections May 23, 2019 by Peoples Dispatch The National Democratic Alliance...

Spain’s socialists regaining ground as rising right-wing party bites off chunk...

28 Apr, 2019 Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez’ socialist party PSOE is set to come out on top in Sunday’s elections, but it’ll have to form...

Netanyahu Wins: World’s Press Reacts With Very Different Headlines

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz was the first world leader to congratulate Netanyahu on Wednesday morning Apr 10, 2019 Headlines around the world announced Wednesday that Benjamin...

The Brazilian Fascist who loves Israel

Trip to the Jewish state for the right-wing leader seen as boost to Netanyahu’s election campaign; Jerusalem waiting to hear if he plans to...