The wildfires in both the Amazon—covering roughly a third of South America and stretching across all of it’s countries except for Chile, Argentina, Uruguay...
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
28th Aug 2019
Be careful what you wish for in Italian politics. The exile of the volcanic Matteo Salvini is a Faustian Bargain...
Par Denis Collin
On ne peut s’empêcher de reprendre l’expression de Francesco Guicciardini confronté aux « horrende guerre » qui ensanglantent son pays à la fin du...
August 22, 2019
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Lawyer Jessica Finelle and François Zimeray, additionally a lawyer and former French ambassador accountable for human rights,...
23 August 2019
Although the Amazon rainforest is literally on fire, the Brazilian president does not react, arguing that "it's fire season" out there.
The Fridays for Future Movement (FFM) called on...
Βy Colin Dwyer
August 21, 2019
Fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest are proliferating at an alarming rate.
That's the gist of an announcement this week by the...
Le philosophe italien Diego Fusaro analyse pour RT France la crise politique qui secoue actuellement l'Italie après l'appel à des élections anticipées de Matteo...