Thursday, 13 March , 2025

Far Right

Radical Left and Far-Right “anti-establishment” forces gain majority of votes in...

October 27, 2019 The east German state of Thuringia found itself facing a political stalemate on Sunday after elections failed to produce a majority for any...

The revenge of the elites

Italy's new coalition government has sacrificed the populist revolt at the altar of the EU By Thomas Fazi 4th October 2019 Italy’s proverbially surreal politics reached new...

Portugal: le projet d’un “musée Salazar” crée la polémique

L’annonce qu’un musée consacré à Salazar ouvrirait après l’été dans le village natal de l’ancien despote portugais soulève l’indignation. Plus de 200 ex-prisonniers ont...

After election drubbing, Austrian far-right leader leaves politics

Scandal-plagued Heinz-Christian Strache makes announcement amid anger over Freedom Party’s slump at the polls Oct. 1, 2019 Heinz-Christian Strache, the former Austrian vice chancellor at the...

Netanyahu’s last battle

Where do we go from here? All the options for a ruling coalition By Michael Bachner Sep. 19, 2019 Although the final results of Tuesday’s elections have...

Inside Views on Netanyahu’s Desperate, Illiberal Attempt to Hold on to...

For decades," Chuck Freilich — a former deputy Israeli national security adviser and Harvard fellow — writes, "commentators have warned that the politico-military...

Election Poll: Netanyahu Bloc Stronger With Kahanists, Still Needs Lieberman

Benny Gantz with 33 seats leads Netanyahu with 31. Right-wing bloc with 59 seats to the center-left's 54, with prospective kingmaker Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu...

Allemagne de l’Est : l’enracinement de l’extrême droite, parti pour durer

Par Coralie Delaume 02/09/2019 Trente ans après la chute du mur de Berlin, l'extrême droite poursuit son enracinement dans l'Est de l'Allemagne. Ce dimanche 1er septembre, à...

Back to the Past in Germany: Radical Right wins, Radical Left...

AfD set for second spot in eastern elections 01.09.2019 Preliminary official results  in regional elections in Saxony and neighboring Brandenburg have indicated that the center-right and center-left will...

Allemagne : L’extrême droite effectue une forte poussée en ex-RDA

01/09/19 L’extrême droite allemande a enregistré une forte poussée dimanche, 30 ans après la chute du Mur de Berlin, lors de deux élections régionales en...