Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Far Right

From Hitler to … Netanyahu. The love affair between German hard...

Yair Netanyahu is poster boy for a German far-right politician AfD member Joachim Kuh using quote from PM’s son calling for death of EU and...

Israel’s dance with far-right movements across the world

The current far-right agenda has more to do with Islamophobia than anti-Semitism, but both sentiments are on the rise across the West. So why...

The Delphi Forum, June 2015 – Speech by Giulietto Chiesa

The Delphi Forum, 20-21 June 2015,  Delphi, Greece

German far right targets Greta Thunberg in anti-climate push

Climate change denying groups advising the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) have close ties to Trump-supporting think-tanks in the US ByDamian Kahya 14.05.2019 As they seek to gain...

Le néolibéralisme, maladie incurable de l’Italie ?

20 avril 2020 Le coronavirus frappe un pays affaibli par des réformes structurelles qui ont organisé l’économie et la société italiennes sur la base des...

‘Dark day’ in Prague: Czech authorities use sham ‘no mask’ Covid-19...

3 Apr, 2020 A monument to Soviet Marshal Ivan Konev, who commanded the forces that liberated Prague from the Nazis in 1945, has been removed...

Coronavirus y bulos: no están dejando morir a las personas mayores

Las autoridades alertan de la peligrosidad de los bulos de WhatsApp, sobre todo los difundidos por supuestos médicos March 23, 2020 El torrente de información generado...

Lesvos: German neo-nazis against migrants; get beaten by locals

March 6, 2020 A group of five neo-nazis from Germany and Austria landed on the island of Lesvos amid the migration crisis and one...

Netanyahu’s holy alliance with rightwing, ultra-Orthodox

By Shlomi Eldar February 21, 2020 Until a few weeks ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign tactic was to help the far-right Otzma Yehudit...

Pour fêter le Brexit, le Financial Times peaufine la “stature présidentielle”...

Le quotidien économique britannique consacre ce vendredi 31 janvier un portrait pour le moins caressant à la présidente du Rassemblement national, Marine Le Pen,...