Friday, 7 March , 2025

Far Right

Espagne, France, Italie…les coutures de l’appareil politique se déchirent

May 6, 2020 Par Nuevo Curso.Traduit de l’Espagnole et commenté par:  les 7 du quebec This article is available in 5 languages on this webmagazine: 6.05.2020-nuevo-English-Italiano This article...

Spain, France, Italy… the seams of the political apparatus are tearing

Translated and commented by Robert Bibeau, Publisher of the webmagazine On: The bickering among the thuriferous The seams of the political apparatus of European countries...

Inside the Influential Evangelical Group Mobilizing to Reelect Trump

By Lee Fang May 23 2020 “The Covid virus has been a gift from God,” began Ken Eldred. “The kingdom of God advances through a series...

The human toll of COVID-19 in Brazil

The corona crisis has also brought to the forefront the crisis in Brazil’s healthcare system. The Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS -, Brazil’s...

Magic and Voodoo Versus Science and Medicine

By Wayne Madsen May 20, 2020 © Photo: Reuters/Bing Guan Across the globe, as scientists and doctors are working a breakneck speed to develop safe vaccines and...

Why has Brazil been so badly hit by coronavirus? – video...

By Tom Phillips, Maheen Sadiq and Nikhita Chulani, 22 May 2020  The spread of coronavirus has been catastrophic in Brazil, with the country now ranking...

A political virus – America’s far right is energised by covid-19...

Extremists see the pandemic as the prelude to the apocalyptic “boogaloo” May 17th 2020 IN MORE THAN 30 of America’s 50 state capitals angry crowds have...

The Anti-Democratic Worldview of Steve Bannon and Peter Thiel

Donald Trump doesn’t wear ideology on his sleeve. But two of his most powerful advisers share a startlingly illiberal theory of politics. By JEDEDIAH PURDY November...

How did Michael Moore become a hero to climate deniers and...

By George Monbiot May 7, 2020 Denial never dies; it just goes quiet and waits. Today, after years of irrelevance, the climate science deniers are triumphant....

From Hitler to … Netanyahu. The love affair between German hard...

Yair Netanyahu is poster boy for a German far-right politician AfD member Joachim Kuh using quote from PM’s son calling for death of EU and...