Monday, 20 January , 2025

Far Right

Brésil, danger immédiat

Présidents, ministres, députés et personnalités du monde entier tirent la sonnette d’alarme avant l’insurrection du 7 septembre au Brésil. Sep 6, 2021 « Nous, élus et dirigeants...

“Hargneux”, “résolu” et “féroce”, Joe Biden défend son retrait d’Afghanistan

Le président américain a justifié, le mardi 31 août, le retrait du pays et la fin du conflit, répondant indirectement aux critiques sur le manque...

How Steve Bannon and a Chinese billionaire created a Right-Wing coronavirus...

The media outlets that cater to the Chinese diaspora — a jumble of independent websites, YouTube channels and Twitter accounts with anti-Beijing leanings —...

Breaking the Mould: Trump’s China Policy

 February, 2018 Summary Following the National Security Strategy (NSS) released in December and Donald Trump’s recent statements at Davos, tensions between China and the U.S. have...

China is not responsible for Biden’s decision of US withdrawal from...

Andrew Korybko, Russia based American Analyst responds to popular commentator Candace Owens' take on the US withdrawal as she claims that Biden surrendered Afghanistan...

Court to hear parole request from neo-Nazi mass murderer Anders Breivik...

Aug.27, 2021 A parole hearing for Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is expected to take place soon – 10 years after the right-wing extremist...

Israel Gave U.S. Two-hour Notice on Iran Attack. CIA ‘Demanded Answers’

New York Times reports that the attack at Iran's Natanz nuclear enrichment facility – for which Israel never took responsibility – reflected Netanyahu's distrust...

After privatizing war, Prince privatizes death

Feeding on tragedy: Ex-Blackwater boss Erik Prince squeezes profit from mad scramble at Kabul airport, charging $6.5k for escape By Damian Wilson* Aug. 25, 2021 As terrified...

US Loses One Afghanistan War: Proposals for New Afghanistan Wars Multiply

by Doug Bandow Posted on August 25, 2021 It took just 11 days, but the US lost another war. Washington and its mostly NATO allies...

US Neo-Fascists divided over Covid and Vaccines

Frustrated Alex Jones calls Donald Trump a ‘dumba**’ after he recommends taking Covid vaccines 24 Aug, 2021 InfoWars founder and notorious controversialist Alex Jones blasted former...