Merci Jean-Luc!
MÉLENCHON : Meeting pour la paix à Marseille
Le dimanche 9 avril 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon était en meeting à Marseille devant 70 000 personnes. Il...
Αrchbishop of Canterbury: You turned Greece into the “biggest debtor’s prison...
The weight has fallen on those least able to survive, and when their own suffering was aggravated by the desperate plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees, and now millions, little help was given. What we have seen is the global market system, and especially the EU, lend people money to buy things and then strangle their hopes and futures when they cannot repay. What we now have is the biggest debtor's prison in European history.
[Vidéo] Villepin : “Le Président ne comprend pas ce qu’il se...
L’ancien Premier ministre, Dominique de Villepin, a réagi sur notre antenne au discours de François Hollande après l’élection de Donald Trump. Pour lui, le chef de l’Etat est dans l’erreur face aux événements américains.
Is a new European financial crash just around the corner?
The tribulations of major European banks, starting with “venerable institutions” like the Monte dei Paschi di Siena (the world’s oldest bank) and Deutsche Bank (Germany’s largest), have raised the spectre of a repeat of the crash of 2008 — a “Lehman Brothers times five” in the words of one market analyst.
Ιs the Belgian government in control of its aviation in Syria?...
Brussels’ continued denial of the jets movements in the area is Belgian Defense Minister Steven Vandeput “deliberately deceiving people in Belgium and elsewhere in the world, or his subordinates and the Americans are lying to the leadership of Belgium,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said.
Declaration of the “Capodistrias-Spinelli-Europe”-Initiative
The idea of a united Europe has a long history. At the beginning of the 19th century it was among the most radical ideas supported by leading intellectuals and enlightened politicians, who sought in the creation of a “United States of Europe” the answer to bloody wars and ferocious conflicts between the Great Powers. In all its historical course the European idea
On Repression in Ukraine
Reconciliation instead of repression
Statement of European personalities in support of democratic forces
We are seriously concerned about the facts of the systematic pressure on the...
The Coming European Debt Wars
The mortgage debts in post-Soviet economies and Iceland are more explosive. Although these countries are not in the Eurozone, most of their debts are denominated in euros. Some 87% of Latvia’s debts are in euros or other foreign currencies, and are owed mainly to Swedish banks, while Hungary and Romania owe euro-debts mainly to Austrian banks. So
Provoking Russia
Are the leaders of European member states of NATO planning to follow the example of José Manuel Barroso, who became a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs after his term as president of the European Commission? Were they using the NATO summit to prepare for a career switch as consultants to General Dynamics or some other US arms manufacturer? The suggestion is of
“War of civilizations”, immigrants and extreme right – a view from...
Greetings, you’re watching Dugin’s Guideline.
Over the past few days in Europe, and most importantly in France and Germany, one terrorist attack, massacre, explosion, suicide-bomber,...