Sunday, 22 December , 2024


Wanted: a Mass Uprising Against the Neoliberal Matrix

by Walden Bello June 14, 2024 A few months before the coronavirus shut down the world, Chile exploded against neoliberalism. A World Bank economist, Sebastian Edwards,...


Apr.14, 2023 We remind our readers that publication of articles on our site does not mean that we agree with what is written. Our policy...

Mandel and Capitalist Breakdown

We reproduce here a quite interesting synthesis on the work of Ernest Mandel, one of the great Marxist economists of the 2Oth Century, although...

James K. Galbraith on Corona, Wars, Economy and Economists

James K. Galbraith Says More… Nov. 17, 2020 This week in Say More, PS talks with James K. Galbraith, Professor of Government and Chair in Government/Business...

L’économie Post-Keynésienne: Positionnements, par Jacques Sapir

9 Νovembre 2018 (Ce texte est la première partie d’une recension plus globale de l’ouvrage) L’ouvrage collectif consacré à l’économie postkeynésienne, publié sous la direction de...

The dialectics of economic warfare

A paper delivered to the Moscow academic economic forum (MAEF) by Dr. Leo Gabriel from the Institute for Intercultural Research and Cooperation in Vienna, Austria It...