Sunday, 23 February , 2025

Dugina Darya

US involved in assassination of Russian public figures

May 19, 2023 Number of domestic terrorist incidents increased greatly since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, Nikolay Patrushev says Flowers at a makeshift...

Roger Waters added to Ukrainian govt-sponsored hit list

Russian political analyst Daria Dugina, who was killed in a car bomb explosion in Moscow on Saturday, now appears as “liquidated” on the Ukrainian...

Intelligence Expert Believes CIA Behind Car Bomb Assassination of Daughter of...

By Jeremy Kuzmarov August 24, 2022 Douglas Valentine says that “Zelensky doesn’t go to the bathroom without asking permission from his CIA case officer.” CIA expert Douglas...

A journalist assassinated. Darya Dugina-Platonova (1992-2022)

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos  The murder of the Russian journalist, political scientist and activist Darya Dugina-Platonova, and the planned - according to all indications – murder...