Tuesday, 18 March , 2025

Konstantakopoulos Dimitris

Manolis Glezos’ last call: Free Julian Assange!

To the Most Reverend Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury We the undersigned respectfully call on the moral authorities of the United Kingdom to use their influence...

Germany and the Banks destroy Greece (2010, 2015), now they want...

The article we are publishing below is the third in a series inspired by Costa Gavras' film Adults in the Room and the publication...

Debt Wars and the fate of Europe

The following article was written in 2013, still we believe that some of the main ideas underlying it remain even more relevant today, given...

Goldman Sachs and Eurogroup 2015: Kafka in the Room!

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos March 17, 2020 In a previous article we argued that the Greek “bailout” program, the Loan Agreements and the “memorandum of understanding” imposed...

Eurogroup 2015: the birth of post-modern totalitarianism

By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 12, 2020 If there was a tribunal for crimes during peacetime similar to the Nuremberg Tribunal, one of the first cases to...

Risk of a Greek – Turkish War

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos to RT International 2020 03 11   Also read Trump, Erdogan, Netanyahu and the risks of war in Syria (and Eastern Mediterranean)

Trump, Erdogan, Netanyahu and the risks of war in Syria (and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Since 2016, people in the US and all over the world  have been debating whether or not Trump is a Russian agent!...

Erdogan is using refugees and immigrants to blackmail EU, EU is...

Dimitris Konstantakopoulos talks to RT International Feb.29, 2020 Also read Revolt in Eastern Aegean

Erdogan sends massively refugees and immigrants to Greece to “punish the...

The Turkish government is directing refugees and immigrants to Greece. The other members of the EU refusing to take any of them, Greece is...

Révolte en mer Égée orientale

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 25/02/2020 De violents affrontements ont lieu entre les habitants et la police dans les îles grecques de Lesbos et de Chios, au nord-est...