Sunday, 16 March , 2025

Konstantakopoulos Dimitris

Nuclear Instability: Russia, China and the “USSR – II” scenario

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos As nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide rise and countries upgrade their warheads and missiles there is an unprecedented need to de-escalate tensions and...

Covid-19 and world’s politics: The rise of authoritarianism and totalitarianism and...

A panel in the conference “THE RISE OF ASIA IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE: Covid-19 from Asia to the world: what assessment and what...

The Ukraine: The USA is responsible for the escalation and must...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Back in 1992, when I was a correspondent in Moscow, the French review Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme asked me for an...

Cómo Trump y Miller prepararon un golpe militar en EEUU

Por Dimistris Konstantakopoulos* Oct.31,2021 - El objetivo último era y aún es poner ese radicalismo al servicio de las fuerzas más extremistas del propio establishment que...

How Trump and Miller prepared a military takeover in the US

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Oct. 29, 2021 Donald Trump and his adviser Stephen Miller were preparing a “legal” military coup in the spring of 2020. Miller was...

Nuclear Instability: Russia, China and the “USSR – II” scenario

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos As nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide rise and countries upgrade their warheads and missiles there is an unprecedented need to de-escalate tensions and...

South – South Forum for Sustainability. Debate on Europe

Jun 21, 2020 Europe: People’s Resilience and Resistance - Galip Yalman Europe: People’s Resilience and Resistance - Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Europe: People’s Resilience and Resistance - Remy Herrera Europe:...

Belarus – Russia | The West crisis and chaos strategy

BANDUNG SPIRIT CONVERSATION SERIES DEDICATED TO THE COMMEMORATION OF THE: - 66th Anniversary of the BANDUNG Asian-African Conference - 60th Anniversary of the BELGRADE Non-Alignment...

Irrationalism and Trump’s nuclear policy

Abstract of a report by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos to an international conference on NAM, organized by the Paris I Sorbonne and Havres Universities, on 20-22.2.2021 War,...

Nuclear arms, NAM and disarmament

Ιnternational conference on NAM, Nuclear Arms and Disarmament, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Université Le Havre Normandie, France, February 10-12, 2021, with the participation...