Saturday, 18 January , 2025


The Challenges of the Left in the current juncture. Debates between...

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano / The Dawn News / May 17, 2016. Last April 15 in the IMPA(1) headquarters and with a large turnout, an open...

Democracy under Attack in Poland

By Janusz Niedzwiecki - "Zmiana" political party Yesteday (18.05.2016) morning officers of Polish Internal Security Agency (ABW) searched apartments of the members of national authorities of...

Who rules the world? America is no longer the obvious answer

By Noam Chomsky When we ask “who rules the world?” we commonly adopt the standard convention that the actors in world affairs are states, primarily...

France – End of an Era

Paris 'night communes' springing up all over the city and the country, and across the border in Belgium. "This government, which is supposed to be...

Another Victory for the Underdogs! Sanders wins the Wyoming caucus

Bernie Sanders extended his victory streak on Saturday when he won the Wyoming caucuses, his eighth victory in the last nine contests. Now all...

Corbyn, Brexit and the politics of the radical left

Τhe election of Jeremy Corbyn as head of the British Labour Party has confirmed the existence now of a deep movement of "radicalism" inside...

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

You can find John Hilary’s complete research for TTIP in the following link:

The making of a totalitarian world: six reasons you should be...

TTIP is not a simple agreement. It is a full assault to fundamental social achievements, to democracy and to the environment. Read a good synthetic...