Cold war
On February 4th, the greatest investigative news report that has ever...
By Eric Zuesse
On February 4th was anonymously published online at not merely a data-dump such as Wikileaks famously does, but also a detailed news-report,...
Twitter’s discrediting of leaked docs that show UK’s covert activities against...
By Tom Fowdy
24 Feb, 2021
On some platforms, whistleblowing is only considered an acceptable form of journalism when it exposes enemies of the West. Twitter’s...
Did nuclear spy devices in the Himalayas trigger India floods?
By Soutik Biswas
Feb. 21, 2021
In a village in the Indian Himalayas, generations of residents have believed that nuclear devices lie buried under the snow...
Leaked papers allege massive UK govt effort to co-opt Russian-language anti-Kremlin...
By Kit Klarenberg
18 Feb, 2021
For all its alarmism about Russian ‘propaganda’ and ‘misinformation’, the UK government appears to be behind a multi-million-pound push to boost...
Michel Collon: «Nos dirigeants n’ont pas l’esprit scientifique et n’ont pas...
Vladimir Caller
02 Fév 2021
Volontairement confiné, Michel Collon a investi sept mois à temps plein pour nous proposer un ensemble d’analyses, questionnements et réflexions à...
Real Trump revealed: A Far-Right, imperialist Strategy leading to World War
Uniting America by Embracing Tradition and Standing Up to the CCP
January 26, 2021
Following a highly contested election, our nation needs to find unity as...
Covid: La planète malade
Frédéric Taddeï interroge Michel Collon sur son enquête consacrée à la crise covid
7 Jan 2021
Le nouveau livre de Michel Collon, Planète Malade, a été...
Can Burns Change the CIA?
The hope is that diplomat William Burns, tapped for CIA director by Joe Biden, will be able to change the culture at Langley and...
Jeremy Corbyn: Why I’m Launching a Project for Peace and Justice
An interview with Jeremy Corbyn
Dec. 13, 2020
Today, former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn launched a Project for Peace and Justice, designed to promote research and activism...
Confusing Order in Order to Order
By William Mallinson
Dec. 8, 2020
Spc. Hubert Delany III | US Army
There is currently a great deal of speculation, some of it emotional and dramatic,...