Wednesday, 26 March , 2025

Climatic change

Ecology, Environment, Equity and institutional Just Transitions

By Rasigan Maharajh, PhD, MASSAf Sochi, 7 November 2024 Report delivered to the Valdai Forum Environmental problems cannot be solved separately from redressing global inequality problems. The...

The future of China, the danger of a collapse of human...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Shortly before his death, in a series of writings, Samir Amin unfolded the two issues that were mainly of concern to...

Contre la brutalité de l’extrême droite, l’écologie des petits matins

Par Jade Lindgaard Vous habitez en France et vous vous réveillez un matin de 2034. Vous préférez vivre dans un pays où : A/ Les voitures...

In COP28 speech, Colombian President Gustavo Petro calls for a free...

The Colombian head of state has been consistently speaking out in support of Palestine amid Israel’s genocidal attacks. At the COP 28 summit, he...

Experts urge better prevention as fires kill people and animals in...

Director of Greek wildlife shelter tells The National of growing struggles year on year due to rising temperatures By Lemma Shehadi Sep 02, 2023 A leading wildlife...

BBC: The fires in Greece among the extreme weather phenomena that...

Sep 3, 2023 Heat, fires, torrential rains, hurricanes and storms. Much of the northern hemisphere has been hit by extreme weather this summer. Not all of...

Greek wildfires produce 700km smoke cloud stretching across southern Europe

The scorching heat and raging wildfires are still spreading across several regions. By Jimmy Nsubuga 23 Aug 2023 Scorching heat and raging wildfires are continuing to spread...

Hausse des températures : la Terre un jour inhabitable ?

La chaleur, conjuguée à l’humidité, peut être mortelle pour les humains. Avec le réchauffement climatique, des régions de la planète risquent ainsi de devenir...

Extermination du peuple Yukpa: «Vos bénéfices, c’est notre peuple qui meurt»

Jun 8, 2023 À l’heure où l’on parle de plus en plus de « pause » dans les politiques environnementales, un peuple indigène, à la frontière entre...

Recent, rapid ocean warming ahead of El Niño alarms scientists

By Matt McGrath and Mark Poynting Apr 25, 2023 A recent, rapid heating of the world's oceans has alarmed scientists concerned that it will add to...