Wednesday, 12 March , 2025

Climate Change

Scientists accidentally discover life 900m under Antarctic ice

By Rosie Frost Feb. 16, 2021 photo Copyright  Huw Griffiths/BAS Marine life has been discovered under 900 metres of Antarctic ice shelf, much to the surprise...

Les syndicats et la lutte pour une transformation sociale radicale: face...

Par John Treat * Décembre 2020 photo: ©Remy Gieling (unsplash) Depuis plus d’une décennie, les réponses des syndicats à la crise climatique et écologique en cours ont...

Study: Earth Warmer Than Any Time in Last 12,000 Years

The findings were released amid mixed moves by the Biden administration on climate policy By Brett Wilkins January 29, 2021 Astronaut photograph. (NASA) Climate campaigners on Thursday pointed to...

Scientists Warn of ‘Ghastly Future’ Unless Policymakers Act Now

In a letter published in Frontiers in Conservation Science, 17 scientists called for a World War II-type mobilization to prevent a future of mass...

Shift to a Not-So-Frozen North Is Well Underway, Scientists Warn

“There is no reason to think that in 30 years much of anything will be as it is today,” one of the editors of...

Eco-fascism is undergoing a revival in the fetid culture of the...

By Jason Wilson March 19, 2019 In his shoddy manifesto, the accused shooter in Christchurch identified as an “eco-fascist”. Over the weekend Kellyanne Conway seized on the...

Is it too late to prevent climate change?

Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse...

Stop Hydrocarbon Exploration in Eastern Mediterranean

Stop Climate Disaster, Keep It In The Ground! No More Fossil Fuel Exploration! photo Credit: Kristina Kasputienė from Pixabay Climate disaster is real. Early this year Australia...

Five years after Paris

This year was supposed to be the year the world doubled-down on its climate commitments. The pandemic is teaching us we can do much...

‘Can Anybody Still Deny That We Are Facing a Dramatic Emergency?’...

"If we don't change course," he warned, "we may be headed for a catastrophic temperature rise of more than 3 degrees this century." by Jessica...