Wednesday, 12 March , 2025

Climate Change

The world is ‘on the verge of the abyss’, says UN

The world is running out of time to tackle the climate crisis, according to the latest findings by the UN By Doloresz Katanich Apr. 20,...

Arctic air sweeps across Europe, bringing record low temperatures

Significant snowfall in parts of continent and Slovenia has its coldest April night with -20.6C recorded By Matt Andrews (Metdesk) Thu 15 Apr 2021 Bitterly cold Arctic...

What about China?

China surged past the United States to become the #1 carbon emitter in 2006. Currently (2019 data from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy),...

Despite Pandemic Shutdowns, CO2 Now at Levels Unseen in 3.6 Million...

NOAA warned that carbon dioxide and methane "continued their unrelenting rise in 2020." by Jessica Corbett Apr. 8, 2021 U.S. government scientists warned Wednesday that despite temporary...

Climate Change hits France

photo: Guillaume Souvant/AFP 'Historic' bout of frost decimates French winemakers' harvest Apr. 11, 2021 French fruit growers and winemakers are warning that the majority of their...

EastMed: Why oil and gas are a thing of the past

Οil and gas are ‘now a thing of the past’ Pavlos Papadopoulos Mar. 20, 2021 Rarely do you meet an academic who is as radical and...

Biden’s Tough Stance on China Will Lead to Global Climate Doom

To tackle the climate crisis, Biden should build an alliance with China aimed at collective survival By Michael T. Klare March 1, 2021 Slowing the pace of...

Biden Needs to Treat the Climate as an Emergency – Starting...

By William Rivers Pitt* March 30, 2021 Last week’s press conference by President Joe Biden, his first since taking office, was a deliberate exercise in calm. It...

Greta Thunberg slams Joe Biden for ignoring ‘the science’ on climate...

By Mark Moore March 8, 2021 Swedish teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg says President Biden isn’t doing enough to “treat the climate crisis like a crisis,”...

Humanity will not be saved by vaccines

By Stelios Elliniadis “Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. Over the past two decades, the rate of global food production has increased...