Tuesday, 11 March , 2025

Climate Change

Now the Heat Warning. Political leaders do not hear

Heat Wave in Greece, Around the World Sets New Records By Bella Kontogianni June 30, 2021 A heat wave has impacted people in Greece and all across...

Facing Disaster: The Great Challenges Framework

By Phil Torres Published in special issue of Foresight on existential risks. Updated Nov. 6, 2018. Abstract: This paper provides a detailed survey of the...

Lethal Heat Hits the Planet

by Robert Hunziker June 28, 2021 Photograph Source: Bill Smith – CC BY 2.0 The news does not get much worse than a recent scientific report that...

Climatic Change visits Moscow

Moscow flooded & city streets in gridlock as apocalyptic torrential thunderstorms & winds break Russian capital's record heatwave By Jonny Tickle 28 Jun, 2021 First came intense,...

IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft...

Scientists increasingly concerned about thresholds beyond which recovery may become impossible By Fiona Harvey 23 Jun 2021 Climate scientists are increasingly concerned that global heating...

« Le pire est à venir » : l’humanité à l’aube...

Les experts climat du Giec tirent, une nouvelle fois, la sonnette d’alarme. Dans un projet de rapport, qui sera publié en février 2022 et qui...

WWF: Mediterranean is turning into the fastest warming sea with irreversible...

Jun 8, 2021 Rome, Italy – Almost 1000 alien species have already migrated into the warming waters of the Mediterranean Sea and replaced endemic species,...

“Our House Is on Fire”: Activists Urge G7 to Immediately Address...

June 11, 2021 As world leaders gather for the first in-person G7 summit in two years, talks are set to focus heavily on ending the...

France on alert for tiger mosquitoes as temperatures rise

The insects are spreading and can be vectors of serious diseases such as chikungunya, dengue, and zika. We explain how to reduce their presence By...

The political positions of Ecosocialists

Ecosocialist Alliance Statement on G7 Conference June 5, 2021 Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US (and the EU) have a great part of...