Saturday, 29 March , 2025


Letter from Palestine

Our people are being slaughtered and I get desperate calls from fewer and fewer surviving friends in Gaza. I am sleepless thinking whether I...

Almost Everything in “Dr. Strangelove” Was True

By Eric Schlosser January 17, 2014 This month marks the fiftieth anniversary of Stanley Kubrick’s black comedy about nuclear weapons, “Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned...

Riyadh’ rulers terrified by the Palestinian Revolution

Why dd Saudi Arabia ban Palestine scarf at the Red Sea International Film Festival? Film-makers based in the region and beyond were dismayed by policies...

Κazantzaki CELUI QUI DOIT MOURIR/Le Christ Recrucifié

A great masterpiece of the Greek writer NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS (whose body of work combines Camus, Dostoievski, Tolstoi, Nietzsche and Bergson) becomes transformed in the...

Israelism: A sensitive film commentary that enrages Israel’s supporters

By Omri Wolfe, Andrea Peters Dec 21, 2023 Over the last two months, various US universities have been taking pains to suppress showings of the award-winning...

In their own words: Seven Israeli films exploring the Palestinian cause

A number of Israeli filmmakers have bravely turned the camera on their own society, revealing dark truths about their state and its history By Joseph...

Ken Loach: “The BBC’s role in the destruction of Jeremy Corbyn’s...

By Arthur Neslen 16 December 2022 Ken Loach is one of the most influential filmmakers of his generation. His films have won the Cannes Film Festival’s...

Actor Frank Langella denounces “cancel culture” in response to firing from...

By Nick Barrickman 9 May 2022 Veteran Hollywood and stage actor Frank Langella responded to allegations of “sexual harassment” in a scathing letter published last week...

Inside The Military-Entertainment Complex

By David Sirota Jun 9, 2022 The military quietly infiltrating a movie studio… the idea might seem like a fantastical plot from a film, but Top...

Le Quartier : des conditions de tournage exceptionnelles

Paris, le lundi 2 mai - Pour la première fois, un film turc sera diffusé en avant-première mondiale au Grand Rex le 16 mai prochain. Le...