Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Are We Witnessing a Coup Operation Against the Trump White House?

Our intelligence apparatus is doing far more than stoking paranoia about the Russian bogeyman—it’s threatening democracy. By Patrick Lawrence February 22, 2017 A couple...

Former Israeli spymasters rip into Trump, say Israel must reassess intel...

Ex-Mossad head Shavit: US president is like a ‘bull in a china shop… If tomorrow I were asked to pass information to the CIA,...

Creating Enemies, Preparing Wars: The New York Times disseminates ridiculous accusations...

Just read the following article published by the New York Times. The newspaper send it to its subscribers under the title Breaking News In Computer...

Global Cyberattack: Are Private Interests Using States?

The global cyberattack, the NSA and Washington’s war propaganda against Russia By Bill Van Auken The cyberattack that hit some 200,000 computers around the world...

Claims of Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks Are Total B.S.

A Little Background: The U.S. Has Tried to Carry Out Regime Change Since Syria Became An Independent County … The U.S. government has been trying...

What Mike Pompeo is trying to tell us?

CIA Director Mike Pompeo has called WikiLeaks a "hostile intelligence service," using his first public speech as spy agency chief to denounce leakers of...

Now, only CIA and the military do not lie in USA!...

Exclusive: As President Trump was launching his missile strike against Syria, CIA Director Pompeo and other intelligence officials weren’t at the table, suggesting their...

CIA’s annual covert “aid” to Italy

CIA Covert Aid to Italy Averaged $5 Million Annually from Late 1940s to Early 1960s, Study Finds Previously Unpublished Draft Defense Department History Explores U.S....

The End of Freedom? Secret Services developing like a Cancer

WikiLeaks has released a huge set of files that it calls "Year Zero" and which mark the biggest exposure of CIA spying secrets ever. The massive...

Why not a Russian, Chinese, or Latin America Google or Facebook?

The following is from an interview transcript of Paul Craig Roberts: The methods for censoring independent media all come from the CIA; they all come...