Monday, 10 March , 2025


The next financial crash is imminent, and China’s resource crisis could...

Over three decades, the value of energy China extracts from its domestic oil, gas and coal supplies has plummeted by half By Nafeez Ahmed Sep 12, 2018 China’s...

Le Brésil de Bolsonaro et les relations internationales

5 Nov. 2018 L'élection de Jair Bolsonaro à la tête du Brésil impliquera sûrement un alignement avec Washington, un rapprochement avec Israël et un coup...

The West is upset about Sri Lanka, but not about democracy

Prevailing media narrative does not reveal the internal tensions and external pressures that saw former PM Ranil Wickremesinghe sacked -New leader Mahinda Rajapakse’s budget,...

Laos – China is building, west is destroying and spreading Nihilism

By Andre Vltchek 28 Oct., 2018 It is one of those complex stories that are so difficult to tell, and yet they should, they have to...

Xi Jinping makes fresh promises to open China’s economy and boost...

5 November, 2018 Chinese President Xi Jinping made fresh promises on Monday to open China’s economy to the outside world, including lowering import tariffs and...

Les vraies raisons du dépeçage d’Alstom, par Leslie Varenne

10 Octobre, 2017 Lors d’une conférence, Christian Harbulot, patron de l’École de Guerre Économique a évoqué le cas Alstom, et le rachat de sa branche...

Philippines must strike a balance when China’s Xi Jinping comes to...

Sides will sign ‘at least five economic deals’ when Xi meets President Rodrigo Duterte in November, Manila says - But leaders are expected to...

The Neocon pro-fascist offensive in Latin America. New sanctions against Venezuela...

Washington imposes new sanctions against Venezuela and Cuba By Bill Van Auken 3 November 2018 US National Security Adviser John Bolton announced an escalation of US...

Xi Jinping urges China to become more self-reliant during tour of...

Chinese president says manufacturing is key to making country strong -First public comments on visit to Guangdong stress need to develop its own technology By...

The “new cold war,” censorship, and the future of the internet

17 October 2018 On Tuesday, the New York Times published a major editorial statement warning about the “breakup of the web” amid the rise of...