Jacques Chirac: A statesman’s fight for human dignity
By David Gosset
It is with deep emotion that France, but also the world, remembers the former French president Jacques Chirac (1932-2019) who marked his...
China, Russia, Iran ‘plan joint naval drill in international waters’
Iranian news outlet quotes military official as saying exercise will be held soon, but Chinese media silent on reported manoeuvres
By Zhuang Pinghui
21 Sep, 2019
China, Russia...
Iran – a Club of Sanctioned Countries – In Solidarity Against...
Peter Koenig
12 September 2019
Background links:
An Iranian parliamentary faction has come up with the idea of establishing a club of sanctioned countries for concerted...
North Korea warns US of “new Cold War”
By Josh Smith
August 15 2019
Any move by the US to place new ground-launched, intermediate-range missiles in South Korea could spark a "new Cold...
Chinese and Russian reactions to the Gulf escalation
Prematurely assigning blame for attack on Saudi oil facilities is irresponsible, says China
16 Sep, 2019
Beijing has warned that it would be irresponsible to guess...
German policy on China trade won’t be decided by ‘people who...
5 Sep, 2019
Germany takes its own approach to relations with China and won’t bow to US demands and pressure over unrest in Hong Kong,...
What the new arms race will look like in a post-INF...
27 Aug, 2019
Washington ending the INF arms control treaty has raised fears of a new “arms race.” This time it will be about more...
U.S.-UK Deep State Tries to Grab Hong Kong
By Eric Zuesse
originally posted at The Saker
What can explain these recent instances, proven by Agence France-Press, in which outright frauds — lies (in the...
Is the Fed Preparing to Topple the US Dollar?
By F. William Engdahl
September 02, 2019
Unusual remarks and actions by the outgoing head of the Bank of England and other central banking insiders strongly...
The Dangerous New US Consensus on China and the Future of...
By Prof. Mel Gurtov and Prof. Mark Selden
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 21 July 2019
The trade war and technological competition with China are symptomatic...