Par Alternatives Economiques
13 avril 2020
Ce témoignage de Pascale Brudon est paru initialement sur le site d’Alternatives économiques.
Rapidité des décisions, efficacité des mesures de protection,...
April 07, 2020
Vietnam donated 550,000 face masks to five European countries on Tuesday to support their fight against the coronavirus that has killed more...
Faced with another global recession, many governments are responding with even stronger state interventions than they did in the 2008 financial crisis. But stimulus...
I Find It Appropriate that Every Member State First Acted Nationally
In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, 53, criticizes the...
Analysis of 35 leading investment banks shows financing of more than $2.66tn for fossil fuel industries since the Paris agreement
By Patrick Greenfield and Kalyeena...
Entretien de Jean-Pierre Chevènement à El Confidencial, propos recueillis par Hernan Garces, Pere Rusinol, lundi 6 avril 2020.
Par Jean-Pierre Chevènement
El Confidencial : Dans votre...
By Adnan Akfırat
While the US and Europe are destroyed by the Covid-19 outbreak, the question ”How did China stop the outbreak and turned back...
3 April, 2020
In March, as Europe and the US began to apprehend the scale of the Covid-19 pandemic, investors panicked. Financial markets plunged. The...