China and Trump: Concealing fears behind hopes (for the worse not...
Nobody knows what to expect, and the deep uncertainty surrounding Trump has been compounded by his contradictory statements and lack of details on how he will address the world’s problems. However, Beijing is confident that the world’s most important bilateral relationship will remain strong. Soon after Trump’s victory, Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated the President-elect, and President Xi said he hoped they could work together to boost China-U.S. relations.
American Power at the Crossroads
In the strangest election year in recent American history – one in which the Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson couldn’t even conjure up the name of a foreign leader he “admired” while Donald Trump remained intent on building his “fat, beautiful wall” and “taking” Iraq oil – the world may be out of focus for many Americans right now. So a little introduction to the planet we actually inhabit is in order. Welcome to a multipolar world. One fact stands out: Earth is no longer the property of the globe’s “sole superpower.”
Rogoff on China, IMF predictions and central Banks
The biggest threat to the global economy is not Brexit, but an impending crash in China, according to one of the world’s most eminent economists. Speaking to the BBC, Harvard professor, Ken Rogoff warned that China was facing a “pretty sharp landing already” after years of rapid economic growth. The real picture is much worse than the official one
A terrible warning from US Generals
Any future war with Russia or China would be "extremely lethal and fast" and produce violence on the scale not seen for 60 years, according to US generals. Artificial intelligence and automated weapons systems will accelerate any future conflict, Major General William Hix has warned.
US backs India’s military strikes on Pakistan
India’s attack was patently illegal and highly provocative. US strategic think tanks frequently refer to disputed Kashmir as the most dangerous “nuclear flashpoint” in the world. Yet American officials have studiously avoided making any criticism of India, a “global strategic partner” of US imperialism and pillar of its military-strategic offensive against China.
US Lawmakers Concerned Over Russians, Chinese Buying Businesses
On September 15, 16 lawmakers sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting a report on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), a group that reviews the national security implications of the takeover of US businesses by foreign companies, "to determine whether its statutory and administrative
Trade Agreements and the Globalization of Fascism
In recent years, there’s been a trend toward democracy and market economies. That has lessened the role of government, which is something business people tend to be in favor of. But the other side of the coin is that somebody has to take governments’ place, and business seems to me to be a logical entity to do it.” David Rockefeller
According to some very recent official Syrian sources, last April over 5,000 jihadists entered from the Turkish border, heading for Idlib and Aleppo. They include an undefined – albeit considerable - number of Uyghurs coming from the Chinese Xinjiang. Allegedly the technical and operational support to this new jihad was provided by the Turkish services and special
Economy of Peace with an Alternative Monetary System is in Reach
By Peter Koenig Globalisation is the demise of humanity. That being said, if we want peace, solidarity, harmonious cohabitation, justice and equality – we have to defeat globalisation. And to be able to defeat it, countries who strive to take back autonomy and sovereignty may want to move away from the oppressive fist of the west.
The CIA’s ‘Dirty War’ in South Sudan
It's that simple—the war in South Sudan is about denying China access to Africa’s oil. The Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, of the United States is funding a dirty war in South Sudan. The war in South Sudan is little different than the wars the CIA funded in Angola and Mozambique, to name two of the most infamous.