Monday, 10 March , 2025


Trump threatens Korea (China), to get the green light for Syria....

US Navy strike group heads towards N. Korea over Pyongyang’s ‘nuclear threat’ The US Navy has sent a carrier-led strike group toward the western...

Eurasia can find a way to do away with the dollar

F. William Engdahl Historian, Economic Researcher, Writer 20.03.2017 The most optimistic development on the world stage that I have seen in decades is what's coming out of...

Limits to US Intervention in South China Sea – A view...

By  General Vinod Saighal New Delhi, February 3, 2017 When manmade disaster looms sane voices come together to ward it off.  Such a disaster is clearly...

 Steve Bannon Wants To Start World War III

By Micah L. Sifry Original post date: 8 February 2017 What does Stephen Bannon really believe? Because he hasn’t spoken much in public since becoming, as...

Decoding Trump

By Radhika Desai * Observers have been collectively scratching their heads at the unfolding Trump presidency. Trump’s campaign braggadocio opposed the establishment of both parties...

China Tells US to Shut Up About East China Sea Territories

US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’s statement that the US remains committed to supporting Japan’s claim to the disputed Diaoyu islands is putting regional stability...

China denies deploying intercontinental ballistic missiles near Russian border

BEIJING, January 25. /TASS/. China’s Armed Forces have not deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles DF-41 (Dongfeng-41) in the country’s northeast near the Russian border, Foreign...

Is capitalism destroying himself or us and democracy?

More than four years on, we know that in 2012 the political fallout was only just beginning. It was in December 2011 that David Cameron reopened the European question by opting out of the new ‘fiscal compact’ drawn up by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy with the aim of enforcing budget discipline across the EU. In the US in spring 2012, Mitt Romney emerged as the candidate from the Republican primaries, but the freakshow anticipated the Trump campaign to come. In Italy the ousting of Berlusconi in a backroom coup in November 2011 and the installation of the ‘unpolitical’ economist Mario Monti as prime minister set the stage for the emergence of Beppe Grillo and Five Star in the local elections of May 2012. In France as the fiscal compact began to bite, François Hollande’s presidency was dead almost before it had started.

Taiwan: Ignorance, Danger Of War And A High School Nazi Parade

The West may be trying to provoke China (which sees Taiwan as its renegade province), into a deadly war. There are sparks flying between Washington, Beijing and Taipei. The anti-Chinese coalition forged by the West (mainly the US, Australia, Europe, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Philippines and Vietnam) is beginning to show serious cracks, after President Duterte of the Philippines began threatening to end all military cooperation between Washington and Manila, and while Vietnam has reshuffled its leadership at the beginning of 2016, sacking its pro-market and pro-US Prime Minister. But all this is rarely discussed in Taipei and other cities and towns of Taiwan.

The Dangerous Deception Called The Trump Presidency

The project called the Trump Presidency has just two months before its formal beginning. Yet already the hopes and fantasies of much of the world are making him into something and someone Donald Trump most definitely is not. Donald Trump is yet another project of the same boring old patriarchs who try again and again to create a one world order that they control absolutely, a New World Order that one close Trump backer once referred to as universal fascism.