Declassified Foreign Office files show that Britain conducted a covert propaganda offensive to stop Chilean leader Salvador Allende winning two democratic presidential elections –...
Maurice Lemoine
Mar 14, 2022
C’est l’histoire d’un type qui passe devant un chien et qui lui donne un grand coup de pied. L’animal jappe. Impassible,...
By Seymour M. Hersh
Sept. 20, 1974
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 —The Central Intelligence Agency secretly financed striking labor unions and trade groups in Chile for more...
by Christopher Hitchens
Synopses & Reviews
Publisher Comments
"His own lonely impunity is rank; it smells to heaven. If it is allowed to persist then we shall...
International Marxist Tendency - October (Chile)
20 December 2021
The candidate of Apruebro Dignidad, Gabriel Boric has won the presidential election with 56% of the...
Leftist millennial wins election as Chile’s next president
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A leftist millennial who rose to prominence during...
Chilean Stalemate
By Camila Vergara
10 December 2021
In the upcoming presidential ballot on 19 December, Chileans will be asked to choose between a far-right Pinochet apologist...
Far-right populist, ex-protest leader set for runoff vote in Chile’s presidential election
Republican party’s José Antonio Kast set to win first round with 28% of...
Courrier international (Paris)
Un second tour de scrutin polarisé se dessine au Chili : le candidat d’extrême droite, Jose Antonio Kast, a devancé dimanche 21 novembre l’élu...