Wednesday, 22 January , 2025

Chemical Arms

Act Now. Stop the drive to Nuclear World War! | Bolton-Netanyahu...

Trump says US 'cannot allow' Syrian chemical weapons attacks    By Jeremy Diamond and Noah Gray, CNN April 9, 2018 President Donald Trump said Monday he will make...

New warnings from Russia to USA

UN Security Council Meets After Alleged Chemical Attack in Syria 09.04.2018 The UN Security Council met on Monday to discuss the latest security developments in Syria,...

No trace of chemical weapons at alleged attack site in Douma...

9 Apr, 2018 The Russian military has found no trace of chemical weapons use after searching parts of Syria’s Douma allegedly targeted by an “attack.”...

Macron with Neocon-Netanyahu provocation against Russia-Syria

Macron condemns Syria chemical attacks in call with Trump Denunciation of Assad regime comes a day ahead of French-led emergency UN Security Council meeting on...

Russia to USA: Military Intervention in Syria may trigger the gravest...

Russian Foreign Ministry slams reports on Douma chemical attack as fake news April 08, 2018 Allegations about the use of chemical agents by the Syrian government...

Trump Threatens Putin, “Animal Assad” Over Syrian “Chemical Attack”; Russia Warns...

by Tyler Durden 04/08/2018 It's deja vu all over again. Remember when the US admitted Syrian "Rebels" have used chemical weapons? Or when earlier this year,...

‘I give you 24 hours to resign’: 1st OPCW chief on...

7 Apr, 2018 The first OPCW chief, who tried to bring Iraq and Libya into the organization, told RT how US foreign policy hawk John...

Bolton-Israel provocation to launch the Big War. Trump revealed: He criticizes...

NATO vs Syria, Russia, Iran: Damascus Again Accused of What Has Yet to Be Proven 08.04.2018 After news of the alleged chemical attack in Syria appeared...

Jeremy Corbyn was right to be cautious about blaming Moscow for...

Bearing in mind Iraq and the general anti-Russian consensus, I am reluctant to trust what ministers were saying. If there was cast-iron evidence that...

Unidentified: Porton Down scientists CANNOT confirm nerve agent used on Skripals...

3 Apr, 2018 UK scientists have been unable to prove Russia made the nerve agent A-234 (also known as "Novichok") which was used to poison...