Monday, 24 February , 2025


Ken Loach wins top Cannes Award and slams dangers of austerity

The British director’s film reduced critics at the Cannes Film Festival to tears. “We must give a message of hope, we must say another world...

Berlin backs Monsanto, people are revolting against it.

Business. Made in Germany A multi-billion dollar weedkiller used in British farms, parks and gardens has been linked to cancer by the WHO, but its...

Anti-corruption lesson from the hub of illicit money

Ignoring the fact that millions of pounds have been laundered in London, British Prime Minister David Cameron prefers using the discourse of "look at...

The Economics Of Brexit: Which Side Should We Believe?

By Iain Begg Two recent assessments of the economics of Brexit, from the Treasury and a new group calling itself Economists for Brexit, come to diametrically opposed conclusions....

How the US Runs the EU

By Alexander Mercouris This is the overwhelming influence the US exerts on it. Britain’s politicians and media completely ignore this, focusing instead on Germany. Wild claims are even...

Britain on the brink – part one

We publish this article by the British Marxists of Socialist Appeal, because we believe it’s a very important one, in order for someone to...

Ireland: The Easter Rising: Comrades of ours

Ireland: The Easter Rising: Comrades of ours By Geoffrey Bell, writer, his latest book, Hesitant Comrades, the Irish Revolution and the British Labour Movement, has just been published...

EU referendum scandal

EU referendum scandal: Fury as PM blows £10 MILLION of YOUR cash on pro-Brussels leaflets OUTRAGE erupted today as the Government launched a £9.3million taxpayer-funded...

Brexit versus Grexit: Hypocrisies in the European Project

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark There is an undercurrent that links both the conservatives and some on the left who have been keen to see states...

Western countries prepare a military intervention in Libya

Source: Resumen Medio Oriente, with information from Al Manar and HispanTV / The Dawn News / March 11, 2016. The New York Times reported last...