La défense de la souveraineté nationale, comme sa critique, donne lieu à de graves malentendus dès lors qu’on la détache du contenu social de classe de la stratégie dans laquelle elle s’inscrit. Le bloc social dirigeant dans les sociétés capitalistes conçoit toujours la souveraineté comme un instrument nécessaire pour la promotion de ses propres intérêt
The Day After, by James K. Galbraith
The groundwork for the Brexit debacle was laid last July when Europe crushed the last progressive pro-European government the EU is likely to see – the SYRIZA government elected in Greece in January 2015. Most Britons were not directly engaged with the Greek trauma.
Brexit – A view from USA
Though it will take a long time and a lot of government effort
There is no lack of apocalyptic handwringing about the UK’s vote last night to leave the European Union—the so-called Brexit. But a more optimistic scenario is also possible.
Great Day in European History
No one believed in this victory. Even most of those who led the campaign for Britain's withdrawal from the European Union did not expect that on the morning of June 24, 2016 it would be announced that the majority voted in favor of a break with the Brussels bureaucracy
Brexit – a view from Russia
Dugin (D): The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union is an event of colossal importance. The whole architecture of the world is changing, because it is not just one of the European countries, it is one of the poles of European civilization.
BREXIT – A New Dimension – New Hope for Europe
BREXIT is the best thing that has happened not only for the Brits – but for all of Europe – and potentially for the world in the last 30-some years – which were beset by Washington Consensus demagoguery, by ever more flagrant globalization towards a New World Order
Brexit and the Crisis on the British Left
By Neil Faulkner
Taking a position on the EU Referendum was not easy. The in/out choice was essentially an argument inside the political and corporate...
Brexit vote sends shockwaves across European Establishment
The referendum result was a crushing vote of no confidence in the Establishment. It caused shock waves in the markets which last night were confident of the victory of a vote to remain. The Leave side won by a margin of 52 % to 48%: more than 1.2 million votes more than Remain, with the English shires and Wales voting strongly in favour of Brexit. But Scotland voted massively against. Voter turnout was very high: in Scotland 67%, in Wales 72% and in England 73%.
Sanders: British voted against the way world economy is working
By S.A. Miller
Democratic presidential contender Sen. Bernard Sanders said Friday that the British vote to exit the European Union showed that the “global economy isn’t working for...
End of Regime in Europe!
One may agree or disagree with Brexit. But he has to admit that here we have to do with a clear anti-estabishment revolt of the British, a revolt with clearly national but also clear class characteristics. Look for instance the pattern of the vote. City voted overwhelmingly to remain in the Union, the popular, de-industrialized and agricultural regions of the country, the “lost of globalization”, very much for Brexit.