The COVID-19 vaccine response doesn't have to put profits over people, argues Public Citizen's Peter Maybarduk.
by Jaisal Noor
March 5, 2021
This week, President...
Michel Collon
25 Déc 2020
Planète Malade est maintenant sur notre boutique en ligne et dans toutes les bonnes libraires. Et Michel Midi est de retour!...
By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan
February 25, 2021
“I’ve personally received more doses of a Covid-19 vaccine than 130 countries,” Dr. Craig Spencer writes, about...
By Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Feb.10, 2021
KUALA LUMPUR and SYDNEY: Refusal to temporarily suspend several World Trade Organization (WTO) intellectual property (IP) provisions to enable much...
by Soeren Kern
February 13, 2021
The vaccination rollout has been plagued by bureaucratic sclerosis, poorly-negotiated contracts, penny-pinching and blame shifting — all wrapped in...
The consulting firm has reached agreements with 49 states because of its sales advice to drugmakers, including Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of OxyContin.
By Michael...
By Julia Rock
When the U.S. government awarded over $10 billion in contracts and advance- purchase commitments to drug companies working on COVID-19...
May 2001
The pharmaceutical industry offers “the most eloquent example” of “crimes of unbridled capitalism,” and was thus the perfect subject for a novel, John...