By Peter Koenig
14 May 2018
It’s called “Vollgeld Initiative” – in German, meaning more or less “Referendum for Sovereign Money”. What is “Sovereign Money”? –...
Les emprunts non performants, la situation du parc immobilier en Grèce et les saisies des résidences principales
par Marie-Laure Coulmin Koutsaftis
30 avril, 2018
L’étau se resserre...
Belgian journalist Michel Collon, Greek journalist and former member of SYRIZA Secretariat Dimitris Konstantakopoulos and ex-senior CIA Analyst Ray McGovern debate Trump, East-West relations and the...
By Ellen Brown
Feb 26, 2018
“One Belt, One Road,” China’s $1 trillion infrastructure initiative, is a massive undertaking involving highways, pipelines, transmission lines, ports, power...
May 11, 2016
Michael Hudson, Speech to SANICADEMIA, May 10, 2016 in Villach, Austria for the 5th International Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology = 59th...
Industry execs-turned-regulators are undoing Obama-era rules.
By Robert Schmidt and Jesse Hamilton
In early February, with the Treasury secretary testifying about wild gyrations in the stock...
Les « datas » doivent-elles être mondialement régies par la sacro-sainte « propriété économique » du droit anglo-saxon ?
Par Valérie Bugault
Le 19 janvier 2018
Les postulats...
Dijsselbloem admits “first bailout for Greece was aiming to rescue foreign investors”
December 7, 2017
The main aim especially of the first Greek bailout was to...