Monday, 10 March , 2025

Azov Batallion

Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Mercs Kill and Torture Russian PoWs While Westerm...

Jul 16, 2024 Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov Battalion* has posted a graphic video of a cold-blooded murder of an unarmed Russian soldier who appeared to raise...

Boris Johnson Praises Nazi Azov Battalion

May 27, 2024 Active Measures has obtained footage of former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson praising Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion We remind our readers that publication...

UK Parliament Applauds Ukrainian Nazis

by Eric Zuesse May 24, 2024 A major international news story on May 22nd was reported only by Russia’s RT News, headlining “UK...

An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right

Israel has been engaging far-right groups and parties across Europe, ignoring their anti-Semitism. By Ramzy Baroud internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author. Romana Rubeo freelance writer...

Mercenaries in Ukraine thank Israeli government

By Asa Winstanley 29 April 2022 Israeli mercenaries in Ukraine have thanked their government for “helping us” fight the Russians. Speaking Hebrew in a video posted online...

Montée du neofascisme en Europe. Ils admirent la bataillon d’ Azov

À Florence, le retour des "actions squadriste" déclenche des mobilisations antifascistes massives Jeudi 23 Février 2023 À Florence, samedi matin, les élèves du Lycée Michelangiolo ont...

Israel, Jews and the Azov Batallion

Israel helps Ukraine whitewash its Nazis Dec 23, 2022 epresentatives of Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion have been touring Israel to drum up support for the unit’s...

Israël aide l’Ukraine à blanchir ses nazis

Des représentants du régiment néonazi ukrainien, Azov, ont fait un périple en Israël afin d’attirer du soutien en faveur des combattants de l’unité qui...

Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big...

Βυ Alexander Rubinstein September 17, 2022 The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by...

Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi cell planning terror attacks

By Alexander Rubinstein November 15, 2022 The arrest of Italian neo-Nazis affiliated with the Ukrainian Azov Battalion highlights the terrifying potential for blowback from the Ukraine proxy...